POSTED:: August 27, 2024

FILED UNDER:: Local/Live

Join Music Director Sid and Milwaukee Record’s Matt Wild for another Local/Live session with Hello, Face. Hello, Face – Hailed from the 1960s mod, “Face” described a person with the right clothes, haircut, and music taste.

In 2017, four musicians that grew up in the Milwaukee music scene playing in beloved bands like Maritime, The Championship, Carolina, & The Benjamins all united to form “Hello, Face”, a band with a euphonious sound that is best played loudly in a bar on repeat. 

The members first met by chance in 2005 while sharing an adjoined practice space, with Joe Crockett and Travis Doar in the Championship and Bobby Flowers and Dan Hinz playing in Carolina. United by time, life chances, and the right taste in music, they fused their diverse talents to create “Hello, Face”. Their unique sound is a decadent blend of heavy guitar riffs, sweet melodic harmony, and head-nodding beats that will get you singing along with every listen. 

Tune in on Tuesday to 91.7FM or stream at WMSE.org to hear Hello,Face.

Local/Live is engineered by Nicholas Elert, produced by Don Moore and Sid McCain. Hospitality provided by Cedar Teeth Pizza.

POSTED BY:: Sidney McCain
