Lunchtime Lowdown
POSTED:: October 5, 2009
Earlier this summer, WMSE began an innovative lunchtime tradition to rival even the original innovator of the traditional brown paper bag (what else but the lunchbox, of course)?
Everyone knows that it’s what’s on the inside that counts, and in our case, we’ve packed a lunchbox for our listeners full of a good balance of healthy and caloric monsters, all with a local flavor. WMSE hands out plenty of local snacks throughout the days’ programming, but we especially wanted to give our listeners an energizing oomph of extra local goodness. Think of it as if the cafeteria lunchboard at your place of employment was written out in glittery lettering and two minstrels were trumpeting you into the lunch line with ultimate fanfare…or, if that’s lame-sounding, maybe we could get rid of the minstrels. Who invited them, anyway?
WMSE’s Local Lunchbox, featured each weekday afternoon from 1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m., has DJs Faux Eyes, Erin, Melissa, Dori and Buzz throwing down some of the tastiest local tunes from the vaults and from our library’s new section. Enjoy everything dusty and delightful as well as the glittery and cutting-edge; stuff from the Violent Femmes, Evel, Cherry Cake and Wild Kingdom to The Midwest Beat, The Nice Outfit, Greg Koch and Decapitado. Each DJ gives Local Lunchbox their own, unique spin.
If you have the airwaves free to yourself during your lunch, or you can listen at work, tune in to 91.7 FM at 1 p.m. or stream online at to catch some local sustenance. Now, wasn’t that delicious?